
TDA marked spectacular finale of the KSHS’s 25th Silver Jubilee, 10 December 2023, Kallamino

The grand finale of the KSHS’s 25th Silver Jubilee were marked in a spectacularly ceremonious fashion in the presence of the President of the Interim Administration of Tigray, His Excellency Mr. Getachew Reda, Guest of Honor of the day, leadership of TDA, and invitees such as higher government officials, heads of bureaus, reps of international and local NGOs, religious institutions, community elders, political groups, universities and colleges, alumni, business people, parents, and of other stakeholders.

The finale of the 25th Anniversary of the School essentially involved strong messages of the President, TDA’s Board Chair (Eng. Tadese Yemane) and Executive Director (Mr. Tesfay G/her), Head of Alumni Association (Dr. Abrah G/her), and Representative of Current KSHS students (Mekdes Kiros), and ceremony of recognition.

While first welcoming the audience, Mr. Tesfay G/her, TDA’s Executive Director, spoke about KSHS, which is one of the milestones TDA has accomplished over the past 34 years and highly extended his deepest appreciation to Late Araya Zerihun, founders of TDA and other individuals and organizations for their indelible contributions. The executive director also explained to the public about the hunger situation which is looming across Tigray and appealed all Tegaru and partners to work with TDA to save the people suffering.

Announcing the projects TDA presently is undertaking and major strategic programs of TDA like re-strengthening and expanding of KSHS, implementing of School Feeding, Nutrition, and promoting of digital education in Tigray, and the fact that TDA is a program of Unity, the board Chair, Eng. Tadese Yemane, on his opening address, strongly urged the public counting the government of Tigray to join hands under the aegis of TDA and help it to achieve its noble causes.

On his part, His Excellency Mr. President Getachew Reda, addressed the audience, “We all Tigrayans should be able to come together and cooperate under TDA’s umbrella in order to realize the Tigray we desired on top of recognizing the TDA’s track-record achievements. The president also assured that his government is very much committed to doing everything they could to support TDA and its causes.

On the occasion, TDA also recognized and awarded a number of individuals and organizations which have contributed to the KSHS ranging from framed certificates, money, tablets to cups and crystal glasses. Amongst awardees were long-serving KSHS staff members, KSHS students who scored the highest of national exam, and bureau of education, Mekelle University, Government of Tigray, Late Araya Zerihun, Dr. Asefa Abraha, Mr. Desta Asgedom, Dr, Sheik Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi, Col. Dr. Alemayehu G/her, Mr. Mark Gelfand, International Lion Bank, EFFORT, Israel Embassy, respectively.

TDA has marked the 25th Anniversary of the Kallamino Special High School/KSHS for the past five days from 06 to 10 December 2023 with a series of celebratory events, which included more elements such as interactive and entertaining activities, campus tour, music and circus performance, photo and artwork exhibitions, sport games, and panel discussions, to name but a few.

At the event, there were in-person and virtual panel sessions on different topics around KSHS and way out solutions to the existing bad situation of Tigray specifically related to education, which includes, but not limited to, “How to make KSHS the best magnet school; how KSHS acquires talented and gifted students and global experience thereof; Preferred teaching & learning methods/best experience; role of KSHS in the resurrection of Tigray; digitalization & digital Education in Tigray’s contemporary context; how to make KSHS center of excellence and alumni’s roles in this regard” and so on.

The grand event was finalized laying down many milestones denoting our concerted effort and accomplishments in different aspects.

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