Provide students in Tigray with the school materials

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100.00 Br
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To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps::

  1. You can donate money to "TDA" through the following bank accounts to help students in Tigray.
    • Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Agazi Branch (1000015468983)
    • Lion International Bank (00110023366)
    • Wegagen Bank Mekelle Branch (0770075230101)
    • Abisinya Bank (30670288)
  2. On the memo line of the donation, indicate that the donation is for "TDA"
  3. Mail your deposit receipt to:

Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia
PO. Box 469

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!


Donation Total: 100.00 Br

The war in Tigray has had a devastating impact on the region’s schools. Over 2,300 schools have been damaged or destroyed, leaving over 1 million children out of school. This has deprived children of their right to education and has set back the region’s development by many years.

We are calling for the reconstruction of schools in Tigray so that children can safely return to learning and build a better future for themselves and their communities.

Why is it important to reconstruct schools in Tigray?

Education is essential for children’s development and well-being. It helps them to learn new skills, develop their critical thinking abilities, and become productive members of society. Education is also a key factor in reducing poverty and inequality.

When children are out of school, they are more likely to be child brides, or child laborers. They are also more likely to be victims of violence and exploitation.

How can we reconstruct schools in Tigray?

There are a number of ways to reconstruct schools in Tigray. One way is to provide financial assistance to the Tigray Development Association. Another way is to donate materials and equipment, such as construction materials, desks, and chairs. We can also volunteer our time to help with the reconstruction effort.

What can you do to help?

You can help to reconstruct schools in Tigray by:

  • Donating to TDA that are working to rebuild schools with the following accounts.
    • Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Agazi Branch (1000015468983)
    • Lion International Bank (00110023366)
    • Wegagen Bank Mekelle Branch (0770075230101)
    • Abisinya Bank (30670288)
  • Volunteering your time to help with the reconstruction effort.
  • Raising awareness of the need to reconstruct schools in Tigray.
  • Urging your government to provide financial assistance to the Tigray Regional Government and other organizations that are working to rebuild schools.

Together, we can help to rebuild schools in Tigray and give children the education they deserve.
