Sources of Finance

I. Membership Fee

The mode of membership depends on the free will of individual citizens. Of course, the inspiration goes to TDA organizers. Due to this, TDA has a task force` at directorate level to coordinate and enhance membership and accelerate the contribution amount of the people. Therefore, due to the tremendous effort made so far within and beyond the region, TDA has over 1.3 million registered domestic members in Tigrai and the target areas of Addis Ababa.

II. Fundraising and Telethons

TDA uses different ways to generate funds to support the people of Tigrai through implementing multi-dimensional projects. One of them is fund raising through organizing telethons and dinner programs for various segments of the society who have the willingness and passion to support TDA in its developmental endeavors. TDA has organized country and citywide telethons to raise billions and millions respectively so as to accomplish all the projects carried out over the past 30 years.  

III. Project based collaboration with development partners

TDA have been supported by and worked in partnership with several national, international, bilateral and multi-lateral organizations and funding partners. Some of the reputable partners include, but not limited to: USAID, EU, DFID, Gelfand Family Charitable Trust, Save the Children International, World Learning, SIDA, Book Aid International of UK, Baring Foundation of UK, A Glimmer of Hope, CSSP/Ethiopia, Path-Finder International, Japanese and Chinese Embassies to Ethiopia, UNICEF, and Luminos Fund,  . Besides, it is a member of a regional umbrella organization namely Alliance of Civic Society Organizations of Tigrai (ACSOT). It is also active and contributing being a member of two national and international umbrella organizations namely Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA) and Consortium of Reproductive Health Association (CORHA). Some of the collaborative interventions are described below with the Name of Agency/Donor/ Organization, Name of Project and Instrument Number, Funding Amount in $, Country of Implementation and Period of Performance, and Brief Summary of Work Performed and Accomplishments are indicated.


  • USAID/CSPP (USAID Community School Partnership Program) with a budget of ETB 14,569,822.39
  • Ethiopia (Tigrai National Regional State); February 13, 2008 –May 31, 2012
  • Over 12,205 teachers/students & stakeholders received direct training/ workshops, etc in Community Development and Health issues & In-Service Training for Teachers,
  • Strong partnership with Regional State Bureaus of Education, Health and Water (RSEB, RSHB and RSWB) region to woreda level,
  • 45 new school water schemes and 193 new school latrines with USAID/CSPP fund support and community constructed, the program has approved budget USD 1,057,250, obligated budget USD 1044,000

A Glimmer of Hope

  • 2006 –June 30, 2014
  • Constructed and furnished schools and health institutions.
  • More than 47,000 populations and more than 5,500 students are benefiting from this program.

Australia-aid through SC

  • School Health and Nutrition
  • ETB 204,927
  • Ethiopia (Tigrai National Regional State);
  • Nov 18, 2011- June 30, 2011
  • Construction of 19 Dry pit latrine (DPL) with water point,
  • 2 Shallow wells,
  • 3 roof catchments,
  • 2 pipeline water installation, provision of training on usage and advantage of backyard vegetation, environmental and personal hygiene and use of clean water for 460 participants,
  • introducing 8 playground vegetation

Save the Children

  • Children Reading Materials Project 15,000.00
  • Ethiopia (Tigrai National Regional State);
  • October 2011 –September2012
  • Conducted a workshop involving 111 participants on the nature of the problem of early grade reading,
  • Books for grades one& two were developed by local writers and printed in 1,500 copies each and distributed to the 15 project schools.

IV. Business for Development

  • Directorate Business for Development

This directorate has been organized to enable TDA to engage in income generating activities and its major responsibilities include:

  • Plan and implement strategies that strength TDA income from different business activities.
  • Identify areas for income generating activities.
  • Develop business plans for areas of intervention and make sure that proper procedures for investment are followed. Make sure that separate books of account are kept and profit generated from such business is used to further the goals of TDA. Responsible to the Executive Director.

Under this directorate there are two major areas of activities:

  1. Agriculture sector (Kallamino Investment Center). This sector includes:
  • Horticulture production – at implementation level
  • Dairy farm production – at implementation level
  • Poultry farm production – at proposal level

Real estate sector:

Hidmona Mall G+8 (Addis Abeba)- It is in practice

TDA Mall G+6 (Mekelle) – at proposal level


In the Agriculture sector:

  • Introducing of high yielding new technologies such as drip irrigation with its accessories, improved variety of both vegetables & dairy cow.
  • The farm starts to be a center of demonstration, training & business.
  • The farm contributes in supplying different agricultural products to the market in order to fulfill the demand of the community at reasonable cost/price (milk & vegetables).

Real estate sector:

  • Hidmona Mall earns 17 Million ETB per annum.

Developmental Partners
