
TDA distributed 300 boxes of energy biscuits to 4,500 school children suffering from hunger in Abergele woreda

TDA distributed 300 boxes of energy biscuits donated by the #Save the Children International/SCI to 4,500 school students in most hunger-affected 12 schools found in 6 tabias of Abergele woreda.

Mr. Tirfineh Yimer, director of education & training directorate, in an interview, mentioned that such an emergency response made by TDA, along with SCI, is absolutely critical in terms of saving lives in danger.

Above all, Tirfineh said, TDA is working hard to sustainably address the problems by launching school feeding programs in the areas and elsewhere that would benefit 65,000 students.

Finally, Mr. Tirfineh strongly appealed to all diaspora, international NGOs and other stakeholders to urgently provide support to the needy through TDA.

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