
TDA’s nutrition project intervention in Maichew, Enda Mehoni and Neksege woredas described a “Success” during annual review meeting at Maichew City, 28 December 2023

TDA organized a review meeting at Maichew Town to evaluate the annual performance of the nutrition project being implemented at Maichew, Endamehoni and Neqsege woredas of south zone.

The meeting involved all stakeholders such as top leaderships of TDA and Tigray Regional Health Bureau, zonal and woreda administrative officials, heads of respective woreda agriculture, education, health, and women affair offices , youth association, school directors, health supervisors and so on.

Mentioning the importance of the intervention of nutrition project in the areas, the participants, during the discussion, explained the pivotal role TDA has played in preventing potential and reducing actual stunting and severe acute malnutrition of children and women and described the project a great success, which should be taken as a benchmark and best lesson to be transferred to other areas.

The project that included, but not limited to, screening, referral and treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) affected children and mothers, technical support and follow up to SAM children under outpatient services (ITP), management and follow up of stabilization center (SC) admitted children, cash assistance to cake takers of SC admitted children, WIFAS follow up for adolescent school girls, admitted children, distribution of basic supplies to health facilities like SQLNS, RUFT, F100 and F75, follow up of SQLNS activities, hydroponic farming technology at household, school and farming training center (FTC), capacity building, has been undertaken by TDA, along with UNICEF, Tigray Regional Health Bureau, Mekelle University and Institute of Health Research.

Nutrition is one of the key projects TDA is working on to scale up across Tigray in order to create healthy productive and innovative generation.

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