
Tigray Development Association /TDA distributes scholastic materials worth 5.7 million birr to Students in different parts of Tigray.

“The recovery and development of Tigray can be ensured by focusing more essentially on education and students,” said TDA’s Executive Director Mr. Tesfay Gebregziabher.

TDA today is in a journey to the south, central, east and northwest zones to distribute the scholastic materials (460,000 exercise books, 240,000 pens and 604,800 pencils) donated by TDA north America and other sub-chapters under its auspices for 75 thousand students in 67 woredas and 10 IDP centers. The donation amounts to over 5.7 million ETB.

Speaking to the media, TDA’s Executive Director Mr. Tesfay Gebregziabher explained that the distribution of school supplies is part of “One Person to One Child” back to school campaign which TDA has been conducting for the past five months.  He also added that the distribution takes place in areas where such support has not been reached before.

Appreciating TDA NA Chapter and its sub chapters for their unwavering contribution, Mr. Tesfay appealed to other chapters elsewhere and the general public to follow their suit and help TDA in its effort to rebuild the Tigray better.

Furthermore, TDA, the executive director said, is now at the forefront in terms of contributing its share to the process of rehabilitating Tigray by providing educational materials, getting students back to school, expanding nutrition and hydroponic farming technology to agricultural training centers, schools and families, and improving food security. Making some rehabilitation and furnishing of the school, TDA made KSHS resume its work and brought back to school the 563 former students who scattered during the 2 years’ war in Tigray. Mr. Tesfay also enunciated that KSHS has recently graduated 106 12 graders and will soon receive 60 new students.

Finally, the Executive director mentioned that TDA will also dispatch 1,000 blackboards very quickly to different war-devastated schools in Tigray.

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