
In line with its commitment, #TDA is gearing up to initiate the #AbergeleSchoolFeedingprogram, designed to address the imminent threat of children discontinuing their education due to severe hunger in their community.

Recently, #TDA‘s experts visited #Abergele and equipped schools with essential resources such as plastic water containers/barrels, liquid soaps, and blackboards. Additionally, they forged partnerships through MoU to kickstart the program.

Moreover, discussions were held with mothers, who play a crucial role in food preparation and caring for children. Let’s lend our support to this endeavor, whether preceding or running concurrently with TDA’s feeding efforts.

This initiative isn’t just about providing meals; it’s about safeguarding both the current and future generations from the detrimental effects of hunger on their educational opportunities.

Donate to 1111 for Wegagen & LIB, or to CBE: 1000015314579; LIB: 00310129057-64; & Wegagen: 0770075230101

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